Whats a Dog Named Blue What Kind of Dog Is in Andy Griffith Show
Cartoon Dog Breeds: What Kind of Dog is Goofy and Other Cartoon Dogs?
Ever since I was a little kid, I've liked cartoons, comics, and animation. Recently I was doing some research online and came across a series called Dogs in a Park. It's an animated sketch series that lets you inside the thoughts of the dogs of the Tompkins Square Park dog run in the East Village. (You can watch the series here.) This got me thinking about famous cartoon dogs. The first thing I asked myself is: "What type of dog is Goofy?" Here is what I found out. See if you can guess what each dog's breed is.
What Kind of Dog is Scooby-Doo?
Before we get to Goofy, let's take a look at some other cartoon dogs.
Scooby-Doo is probably the cartoon canine who resonates most with my generation. EVERYONE I know has said "Ruh-Roh!" at one time or another.
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What type of dog is Scooby-Doo?

Answer: Scooby is probably the most famous Great Dane in popular media, though I think Marmaduke fans would likely quibble over that.
What Kind of Dog is Dug from Up?
Dug from the Disney film Up is one of my all-time favorite animated dogs.
What type of dog is Dug?

Answer: Golden Retriever
What Kind of Dog is Astro from The Jetsons?
Up next: Astro from The Jetsons.
What type of dog is Astro?

Answer: Astro is likely another Great Dane. I was unable to find a conclusive answer on the Interwebs.
What Kind of Dog is Brian from Family Guy?
Here's theFamily Guy's Brian. Next to Stewie, he's my favorite character from the show.
What type of dog is Brian?

Answer: Brian claims to be a Golden Retriever mix.
What Kind of Dog is Jake from Adventure Time?
Jake from Adventure Time, one of the best animated series of recent memory.
What type of dog is Jake?

Answer: English Bulldog. I guess I can kinda see that with the jowls.
What Kind of Dog is Snowball (FKA Snuffles) from Rick and Morty?
My new favorite cartoon is Rick and Morty. In episode two fo the first season, Morty's dog Snowball (FKA Snuffles, his "slave name") spearheads a dog revolt against humankind. Eventually he leads his fellow canines to another dimension where they hopefully live in peace and harmony.
What type of dog is Snowball?

Answer: Well, there is no definitive answer here. The speculation is that he's a Maltese, West Highland White Terrier, Bichon Frise, or Shih Tzu. I think he looks like a Westie.
What Kind of Dog is Santa's Little Helper from The Simpsons?
The Simpsons adopted their dog when he came in last at the racetrack and was abandoned by his owner. That should give you a clue as to what type of dog he is.
What type of dog is Santa's Little Helper?

Answer: Greyhound
What Kind of Dog is Bandit from Jonny Quest?
One of my all-time favorite Saturday morning cartoons when I was a kid was Jonny Quest. Jonny had a dog named Bandit (His face markings look like a bandit's mask. Get it?)
I think it's pretty obvious what type of dog he is.
What type of dog is Bandit?

Answer: English Bulldog.
What Kind of Dog is Gromit from Wallace and Gromit?
"I'm just crackers about cheese!"
Another personal favorite is Gromit from the British Wallace and Gromit series.
Any idea what type of dog is Gromit?

Answer: Wallace says Gromit's a Beagle. He would know.
What Kind of Dog is Goofy?
Finally, the aswer you've been searching for! Let's travel back to the early days of cartoon dogs and meet one of Mickey Mouse's friends,Goofy.
What type of dog is Goofy?

Answer: One theory is that Goofy is a Black and Tan Coonhound. Some say he is an "anthropomorphized dog."
Others say he's a cow.
I do not subscribe to this bovine conspiracy. Here's an article from the fact-checking site, Snopes, for more.
What Kind of Dog is Pluto?
Let's look at some other cartoon dogs.
This is Mickey's pet dog Pluto. I've always wondered why Goofy can talk, walk upright and is Mickey's friend… and why Pluto can only bark, walk on all fours, and is Mickey's pet. I guess that will likely remain one of cartoon life's enduring mysteries.
What type of dog is Pluto?

Answer: Disney's official response is that he's a mixed breed. I wonder if he's a rescue too?
What Kind of Dog is Mr. Peabody from The Bullwinkle Show?
Yet another favorite from my childhood: Mr. Peabody from The Bullwinkle Show. (The pic below is from the recent 3D animated feature.)
What type of dog is Mr. Peabody?

Answer: Mr. Peabody is a Beagle.
What Kind of Dog is Krypto, the Super-Dog?
Next up is Krypto, the Super-Dog from theSuperman family of comic books, published by DC Comics. Krypto is the Kryptonian version of the Soviet Cosmonaut dog, Laika, but unlike his Communist counterpart he wasn't doomed to an early death in space. Krypto arrived on Earth shortly after the baby Kal-El (the future Superman.) He eventually became the Man of Steel's best friend. He is part of a whole menagerie of super pets, including Streaky the Super-Cat, Beppo the Super-Monkey, and Comet the Super-Horse.

What kind of dog is Krypto?

Answer:Krypto has alternated in appearance between an American Staffordshire Terrier and a (spot-free) Dalmatian.
I'm going to settle on Kryptonian Staffordshire Terrier as his breed.
What Kind of Dog is Ace, The Bat-Hound?
This is Ace, the Bat-Hound from Batman's line of comics, also published by DC. This is what he looked like when he was first introduced.

Here is the most recent iteration of Ace. (Batman looks like he needs to invest in an iron.)

(Note: InBatman Beyond — a future version of Batman for those who don't know — there is another Bat-Hound who is a Great Dane. He is also named Ace.)
What type of dog is he?
Answer:Ace is a German Shepherd Dog.
There's another dog living in Wayne Manor these days. His name is Titus and he belongs to Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne's son, AKA Robin. (What? You didn't know Batman had a kid? Keep up with the times, people!)
What kind of dog is Titus?

Answer:Titus is a Great Dane.
Damian also has a cat named Alfred (after the Wayne Manor butler) and a cow named, appropriately enough, Bat-Cow.
For kicks, here's a picture of Bat-Cow (take a close look at the markings across his eyes.)

There's a new member of the Bat-family of pets. It's Haley. She is a tri-pawed who was adopted by Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne's former ward and the first in a long line of Robins. Dick is all grown up now and has a new superhero identity, Nightwing.

Haley's superhero codename? You guessed it! Bitewing!

What type of dog is Haley?
Answer:A Pitbull.
What Kind of Dog is Pizza Dog from Hawkeye?
This is Pizza Dog, AKA Lucky, AKA Arrow, from the Marvel comicHawkeye. He was also featured prominently in the Hawkeye TV series on Disney+.

Pizza Dog even has his own action figure.

And even more impressive? Issue 11 of Hawkeye's comic won the the Eisner Award for best single issue of a comic, and who do you think was the star of that issue? Pizza Dog.
What type of dog do you think he is?
Answer:He's a mixed breed. (Though in the TV show he looks very much like a Golden Retriever.)
What Kind of Dog is Lockjaw from the Fantastic Four?
Here's another Marvel Comics super-dog: Lockjaw! Lockjaw is a member of the Inhumans, a group of super-people who live on the moon. He was created by Jack "King" Kirby, the man who also created the Avengers and the X-Men (among MANY others!) Lockjaw is able to transport through time and space.

Answer: I think Lockjaw is either a giant English Bulldog or giant Pug. With a tuning fork on his head. Go figure.
What Kind of Dog is Muttley from The Wacky Races?
Another one of the most famous Saturday morning cartoon dogs comes from The Wacky Races and The Perils of Penelope Pitstop. This is villain Dick Dastardly's hench-dog, Muttley.
What type of dog is Muttley?

Answer: The show's producers Hanna and Barbera said Muttley was a mixed breed, and they even provided a lineage! He's part Airedale, Bloodhound, Pointer, and indeterminate "hunting dog." Muttley was famous for his wheezing snicker.
What Kind of Dog is Ren from Red and Stimpy?
Here's Ren of Ren and Stimpy.
What type of dog is Ren?

What type of dog is Scooby-Doo?Answer: Chihuahua
What Kind of Dog is Underdog?
Another childhood fave: Underdog.
"When criminals in this world appear
And break the laws that they should fear
And frighten all who see or hear
The cry goes up both far and near
For Underdog! "
What type of dog is Underdog?

Answer: He's another Beagle!
What Kind of Dog is Hotdog from Archie Comics?
This is Hotdog from theArchie line of comics. He belongs to Jughead.
Hotdog is… ?

Answer:He's a mixed breed with some Old English Sheepdog in his background.
What Kind of Dog is Sandy from Little Orphan Annie?
This is Little Orphan Annie and her dog Sandy.
What type of dog is Sandy?

Answer:As befits a scrappy orphan, Annie's dog is a mixed breed.
What Kind of Dog is Daisy from Blondie?
This is Daisy from the Blondie comic strip. What kind of dog is she?

Answer:Um… "Purple Dog?"
I have not been able to find anything online, but my co-blogger Clark swears he read somewhere that she's a Schnauzer.
A long-tailed, beardless, floppy-eared, purple Schnauzer.
What Kind of Dog is Odie from Garfield?
We're going to start with the slobbery mess known as Odie from the Garfield comic strip. Odie was first introduced to the strip in 1978. He was originally called Spot, but cartoonist Jim Davis later changed his name to Odie. I think you'll be very surprised when you find out what type of dog Odie is.

Answer: Apparently Odie's a Dachshund / Beagle mix. (Garfield says his breed is "pure clown.")
What Kind of Dog is Snoopy from Peanuts?
And finally, probably the most famous comic strip dog of all: Peanuts ' Snoopy! This one is easy.

Answer:As pretty much everyone knows, he is a Beagle.
He has a very interesting history. You should check out the Wikipedia entry on him and see how he evolved as a character.
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Sean is a passionate dog lover and the proud owner of Urban Dog's Official Spokes-Dog, Bodhi the Weimaraner. His family has always owned dogs, but Bodhi is the first he's been fully responsible for since puppyhood… and he couldn't be more doting. As a longtime New Yorker of more than 20 years, Sean knows what a dog's and dog owner's lifestyle is like in NYC. Besides being a doggy dad and top dog at Urban Dog, Sean also has a "real job" experience as co-owner of a Palm Beach, Florida-based private investigative firm, and as a licensed (pet friendly) Real Estate Salesperson with Douglas Elliman in NYC. Sean also exercised his creativity and business sense as an award-winning journalist, producer, TV marketing exec, and private investigator. When not blogging, working, or playing with Bodhi, he is an avid adventure traveler who has circumnavigated the world, bird-watched on all seven continents, safari-ed in Africa, and SCUBA-dived in exotic waters.
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Source: https://www.urbandognyc.com/cartoons/cartoon-dogs-author-sean-sheer/
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